class: inverse, bottom, left background-image: url( background-size: cover # .Large[.yellow[**International <br> Economic Organizations <br> and Development**]] # GLOA 610 --- background-image: url( background-size: contain class: inverse # .Large[Are the likes of <br> IMF and World Bank <br> the .red[baddies?]] -- # Or, are they just <br> .yellow[ineffective] at times? --- class: inverse, left, middle background-image: url( background-size: 62.5% background-color: black background-position: right # .large[It could be that <br> we just .yellow[assume] <br> they are some <br> evil-doers
.] --- background-image: url( background-size: contain background-position: right # In fact, it is quite likely <br> much of the criticism leveled on <br> .red[IEO]s are built on .orange[this guy]'s critique <br> of (supposedly) American-led <br>capitalism. -- # - The .pink[evil-doer ideas], in particular. # - Ken Rogoff's rant (2002) --- class: inverse, middle background-color: #1A0563 background-image: url( background-size: 100% # It is in fact quite likely that most of the vocal critiques just don't understand .red[what IEOs do]. -- # Perhaps in part because IMF and WB only deal with .yellow[difficult situations] in the first placce --- background-image: url( background-size: cover class: inverse, center, middle # .Large[To actually understand how they work, we need to go back in .yellow[history].] -- # .Large[.pink[What really was the motivation?]] --- class: inverse, right, bottom background-image: url( background-size: cover # .Huge[**An attempt to .red[prevent] another World War.**] --- <div class="full-width-tinted"><br> <h1> .large[The Bretton Woods System] </h1> </div> <br> - .Large[What happened right before WWII?] <br> -- .pull-left[ .pull-left[![]( # .red[currency war]] .pull-right[![]() # ] ] .pull-right[ .pull-left[![]() # ] ] --- <div class="full-width-tinted"><br> <h1> .large[The Bretton Woods System] </h1> </div> <br> - .Large[What happened right before WWII?] <br> .pull-left[ .pull-left[![]( # .red[currency war]] .pull-right[![]( # .green[protectionism] ] ] .pull-right[ .pull-left[![]() # ] ] --- <div class="full-width-tinted"><br> <h1> .large[The Bretton Woods System] </h1> </div> <br> - .Large[What happened right before WWII?] <br> .pull-left[ .pull-left[![]( # .red[currency war]] .pull-right[![]( # .green[protectionism] ] ] .pull-right[ .pull-left[![]( # .blue[poverty]] ] -- # - Each .orange[pillar] tackles the challenges. --- class: inverse, center, bottom background-color: black background-image: url( background-size: 100% # .Huge[**IMF**] -- # Stone (2004); Nooruddin & Woo (2015); Daoud et al. (2017) --- class: inverse, center, bottom background-color: black background-image: url( background-size: 100% # .Huge[WTO] --- class: inverse, center, bottom background-color: black background-image: url( background-size: 100% # .Huge[**WTO (GATT)**] -- # Busch and Pelc (2019) --- class: inverse, center, bottom background-color: black background-image: url( background-size: 100% # .Huge[**The World Bank**] -- # or mulilateral development banks in general -- # Humphrey (2017) --- class: inverse background-image: url( background-size: 100% # There are many other IEOs (mostly regional) -- - .Large[AIIB] - .Large[MERCOSUR] - .Large[ADB] - .Large[AEZO] -- - .LARGE[And a whole lot more .red[PTA]s.] --- # Why didn't we talk about them? -- ### e.g., .orange[Guatemala]'s major trading partners (2019) ![]( --- class: inverse, bottom background-image: url( background-size: cover # .large[.yellow[IEOs reflect certain dimensions of the reality.]] -- # What could be done, going forward? (The Nature 2021)