class: top, left, middle background-image: url( background-size: 60% background-position: right # .huge[.Blue[**Global <br> .hl3[Finance]**]] <br><br> GLOA 610 --- class: inverse background-color: black background-image: url( background-size: contain background-position: right ## .Large[Three Areas of Global 'Finance'] -- ## 1) Currency Exchanges (exchange rates) <br>: $7.5 tn .yellow[per day] (as of 2022) <br>
$1tn, if only counting over-the-counter -- ## 2) Debt ($230 tn in 2023) -- ## 3) Other types of money flow <br> (e.g., remittances: $860 bn in 2023) --- class: inverse, bottom, right background-color: #37145A background-image: url( background-size: contain # .yellow[.Huge[First, Exchange Rates]] --- background-image: url( background-position: right background-size: 30% ## **Exchange rates** -- ### = value of a currency compared to another's <br> = the .green[price] of a currency -- ### 1. .orange[nominal] exchange rates - .large[need to know when travel abroad
: a-/depreciate)] - .large[instantaneously available] -- ### 2. .red[real] exchange rates - .large[.pink[actual] costs of things] - .large[estimates] (smaller or large than .blue[1]) - .large[nominal] ** `\(\times\)` ** .large[inflation rates: .purple[**under**]/.Blue[**over**]valued] -- ### overall, considered an indicator of .pink[competitiveness] --- # .large[But, what competitiveness?] -- ## : the .red[price] competitiveness of .green[tradables] -- ## .red[under]valuation: good for exports ('beggar-thy-neighbor') -- .pull-left[ .content-box-yellow[.Large[ ## importing a BMW
1 =
1 -
50k ⇒
50k - amount paid to BMW:
50k ] ] ] -- .pull-right[ .content-box-red[.Large[ ## importing a BMW
.red[2] =
1 -
50k ⇒
25k: sales
- amount paid to BMW:
.red[50k] - *effect on US automakers?* ] ] ] --- class: inverse background-color: #d64161 background-image: url( background-size: 140% # .large[So undervaluation .Small[(.pink[weak] currency)] is .yellow[all] good?] -- ## - serious welfare/distributional effects -- ## - external consequences (cf. 'currency manipulator') -- ## - Only .hl1[some] groups would like that. -- ###
.orange[interest groups] would lobby for undervaluation (.Green[sometimes]) -- # .pink[Broz and Werfel (2014)]; .bluey[Steinberg and Shih (2012)] --- class: inverse, center, middle background-color: #37145A background-image: url( background-size: 100% # .huge[Let's talk about Debt] ## And how it is related to development --- class: inverse, center, middle background-color: red # .Huge[Is Debt = Doom
?] -- # B/C, foreign debt = losing independence? -- # OMG, I remember we owe China *a lot* ! --- # A quick .hl2[cut-away]: The Story of American Debt -- .pull-left[ .center[ <img src="" width="95%" /> ] ] -- .pull-right[ .center[ <img src="" width="95%" /> ] ] --- # Aren't people still saying the US
dominance is ending? -- .pull-left[ <!-- --> ] -- .pull-right[ <img src="" width="60%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] --- class: inverse background-color: #37145A # .Large[**But aren't .red[most] debts still bad?**] .pull-left[ ## - No: In particular, .red[sovereign debt]: sources of .green[development fund] ## - .red[Too much] sovereign debt spells trouble though (i.e., 'original sin') ## - the more you borrow, the harder it becomes to borrow (.yellow[credit rating]) ] -- .pull-right[ # Example: Moody's .center[ <!-- --> ] ] --- class: inverse, middle background-image: url( background-size: contain background-position: right background-color: black -- # .huge[**How does .Green[bond] work?**] -- # .Blue[**.green[Domestic] vs. Foreign currency denomination?**] -- # .orange[**Ballard-Rosa, Mosely, and Wellhausen (2021)**] --- class: inverse, left, bottom background-image: url(*Z-htNgpOFMVwdQHWLMrZ2Q.gif) background-size: contain # .Large[Sometimes you just cannot repay the debt.] -- # You need a bailout: how does that work? -- # .yellow[.Large[Schneider and Tobin (2020)]] --- class: inverse, right background-image: url( background-size: contain background-position: left background-color: black #.huge[**Remmitances**] -- ##
Debatable if it helps development -- ### financing vs. rent-seeking -- ##
But is there any other effect? -- ### Tertytchnaya et al. (2018)